
Showing posts from 2021

What are you thriving for?

I recently posted about happiness on Thrivearc.  It is not about happiness. I understand happiness is vague and relative term. What triggered me to write about it is how intentionally we approach to happiness? *T hing that most matter to us.  Ask anyone and everyone, what do they desire? More often the answer is happiness. Well I like other specificities too. Like someone I had a chat with last week, said she is looking to get pro tennis player. She just started learning it in pandemic and can't seem to get it enough. One of my friend wants to build new toys for kids, he thinks most toys are same one what he played with. He is looking to bring new ones in the market.  I find my happiness with connecting to new people. Working with them to see amazing transformation they go through. I find my happiness in reading with my kid, old stories with new excitement or new stories with old thrill. I feel happy when I write. I find happiness in tinkering many of my ideas, some I su...

Being yourself

No other idea has ever come close to my heart than selling people to be themselves.  No matter what age, position, emotional state of a person one thing I have observed repeatedly is, we all try to fit in.  There is nothing wrong in 'fitting in', as long as it does not hurt being you. (Tweet) Be it a personal life or professional life, people constantly try to fit in as per some ideal persona, journey set by their ecosystem. While doing so, we keep compromising our true self. I don't believe you one bit if you deny this. Ask yourself, When was the last time you have chosen to speak against popular opinion? When was the last time you expressed what you really think? When was the last time you felt true connection to someone or something? When was the last time you felt uncomfortable? Comfort is enemy of your growth. Comfort is enemy of your true potential.  Fitting in is a myth. Fitting in is a greatest obstacle to belong.  What are you holding back till now? Please s...

Coolest Things I learned - February 2021

1. Did you know that there was 6000 years of gap between invention of a wheel and putting those wheels on suitcases? Even moon landing was 3 decades before. Nicholas Taleb in his book 'Antifragile' refers this as a human imagination(or lack of) #GoodReads 2. New word I liked from my kids book she read to me called Diva & Flea. Flâneur - Someone(Somecat from a book) who wanders to see what there is to see. Great flâneur has seen everything, but still looks for more, because there is always more to discover. *The word is mentioned in Antifragile as well :) Coincidence like this makes me realize, when you are looking for something, universe conspires in bringing it closer to you.  3. Communication Principle: KISS which stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid I like how this principle has a wider application in other things of life. 4. Changing the world does not have to be about technology. An inspiring journey of founder of Planet Abled -  Neha Arora You must check this. 5. Z...

If you are looking for..

If you are looking for an opportunity, you will find one. If you are looking for a challenge, you will find one. If you are looking for reasons to do things, you will find many. If you are looking for reasons to not do things, you will find at least many. If you are looking for an excuse, you will find one. Thing is now or later you will find what you are looking for. So be thoughtful of what you are looking for. 

Thinking ahead

It always helps to plan. Only to a extent where you no longer can follow a plan, or plan can't follow you. 😜 I am aware of both the situations, have gone through and came out little scathed and little more strong.  In the world of distractions, attention seeking mind, thinking ahead is not new to any of us. In fact we think so much ahead, that it paralyzes us. Anxiety, stress and worry of problems that are yet to occur. What if market crashes, what if there is another economic slump, what if something bad happens to my loved ones, what if people laugh at my decisions. All what if's pretty much before arrival of actual problem. (In fact more often non occurring problem) I am at that junction where there was a plan, there was a milestone and there was also an obstacle. Only thing I thought I had sometime to remove obstacle. This time plan worked faster, and it is making me think about obstacle earlier than I thought. I am sure this will be another interesting challenge and anot...

Focus: Future or Present

If asked, where the focus should be? Obvious answer to this is present.  All that is happening is now,  Actions are in present. Hence  your focus should also be on now.  Though your actions are determined by mindset, which can be future focused or present focused. Actions taken that will have outcomes for better in future are from future focused mindset. E.g. Exercise, avoiding sugar, saving money are actions happening now, though results are in future.  Similarly watching a movie, partying, playing with kids, cooking are actions happening now and outcomes are also in present being happy, elevated now.  There are benefits, there are downfalls of both choices. The choices that occur from mindset being future focused or present focused. Actions are always present focused. What we need to pay attention to is, where actions are coming out from. Future focused or present focused mind? Please share your thoughts. Comment here. 👇

Most important life skills that no one will teach you

Living a good life is every person's goal. However select few make an actual effort in making it better every day. Relationships, Health, Wealth, happiness are not single day or one time event. Everyday efforts though add up and eventually journey itself becomes better every passing day.  Though most significant things that matter to you are not taught in any school or by a teacher. You have to learn on your own. Here are few things which everyone needs to learn on their own, How to set Morning Routines you look forward to? Simplest #LifeHack Quiet time, exercise, tea/coffee, newspaper, meditation, reading, writing it can be anything you like and enjoy. Choose that and repeat it. Losing a morning thinking where should I start my day from is sure way of losing a day too. So set your wake-up routine. Only yo u can find out things that make you energized, productive & happy for the day. Don't worry about successful peoples morning routines & their wake up times. Find yo...

Being well is a superpower

Being well physically, mentally, financially, emotionally and socially is important to us. We #thrive to get better at each of these aspects everyday.  Being well allows to live and work to our fullest potential. That is what is all about isn't it? To live and become our best selves. It allows us to produce our best work, it allows us to be better human for others.  'Conscious building of wellness' is underrated. People consider being well as a luxury. Misconstrued self care aspect of wellness sometimes is also looked at as selfishness. Possibly that is why wellness did not became mainstream as it should have been.  Wellness is a superpower. Whoever has this superpower is building future. People who are healthy physically, mentally, are thinking well, doing good work so earning well. These people are able to think beyond their own needs. They are able to think of needs of their families, communities. Which will result into building social wellness. Lack of any aspe...

An App for a Fish

Have you ever heard words like 'Idiot-proof', 'fool-proof'?  These are pretty common if you are in Product building, Software making, UI Design or anything to do with someone using what you've made. I never liked these terms. Not that I believed users are not idiots, but I believe we all are idiots and it is not fair  to call only users as idiots. So whenever I build apps, I like to think that I am building apps for a Fish . Why Fish? Have you seen fish in water? Its a treat to eyes and to your soul. They flow. They make you feel being in water, swimming the way they are swimming is the only way of being. Natural and Obvious.  It keeps you grounded while you make #product #design for any set of users thinking fish in mind. You tend to think in terms of flows. natural flows for your users. Using, navigating and taking actions using your app should be as easy and trouble-free as fish in the water.  I am not claiming all the apps I are perfect and liked equally by ...

Wellbeing and Being well

Wellness and Wellbeing of my own and my loved ones is one of the important things I care about.  These two are different terms, I came to know about this in 2017 when I started driving Employee Wellness in my previous job. In simpler terms, Wellness is a set of habits and behaviors to ensure good physical and mental health. Wellbeing is a state of a mind. It is a broader term covering happiness(whatever that is). How people feel about their lives, purpose and meaning.  Wellness is multidimensional. It is all about Physical, emotional, mental, financial and social health. In a way, when you take care of wellness, you take care of your wellbeing. Happiness differs for individuals, while it may revolve around same structures, priorities might differ. It is important for each one of us to understand what track of wellness is important for us which will lead to our wellbeing. For some people, it might be money, for some it might be meaningful work, for others it is meaningful relat...

Power of Building with others

There is no doubt, if one decides one can move mountains.  Having said that, any journey worthwhile, creating something meaningful is not for a faint hearted. What makes this journey more fulfilling, bearable and fun is people with whom we have this journey. You travel faster alone, but farther together. People who collaborate well are more effective than each one of them working independently. B ecause working together , --> we hold each other accountable --> means complimenting each others strengths --> we cover each other's blind spots --> we overthink less and act more --> allows us to take more challenges, Bigger challenges --> we learn from one another to be better version of ourselves --> we have more fun #Build Together. #Build Each Other.  As old Indian saying goes, 1 + 1 = 11 Share your thoughts. Please comment here. 👇

On Building Something

Who decides to start on their own in the midst of pandemic? --> Apparently there are many like me.  It gives me hope, comfort and strength.  What made me choose this journey? is a frequent question I get these days. If answers can be simple, it is to build something meaningful, work with wonderful people and learn in the process. Building something is very important to me. It has always been. I have been building products for all of my professional career.  I am in perpetual knowledge building phase. I look for opportunities to build people , and any way I can contribute to it. I love to build meaningful friendships . I love to build community of like minded people.  I am having lots of conversations with other founders these days. It is simply amazing. I am in awe of these people, their ideas, their sincerity and their courage. Energy is very infectious. All this makes me happy about my chosen path. It may not be simple, it may not be easy, it definitely ...

On Children

This masterpiece is from Khalil Gibran . I found it when I became a mother. I read it often and every time I read, it tells me something new. Don't let the title misinform you. It is not only about children or parenting ;) Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.  For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.  Let your bending...

Knowing when to stop

Usually people talk, write, encourage about starting .    Maybe more people struggle with starting something than putting an end to something. Or maybe, focus is always on adding more and new than to subtract and eliminate .  Leaving a book that I don't enjoy, especially the popular and most recommended one has always been a problem for me. I have realized the price for completing the book which I don't enjoy is heavy. Since last six months I have been working on breaking this habit without guilt. Not having guilt is the tricky part.  Thinking in Bets: How to make decisions when you don't have all the facts is one the most recommended book I have came across. I liked the beginning, though the way I progressed sport references, sports stories and famous personality scandals increased so much I couldn't keep up with googling every time to understand more. Its either my sports knowledge is so weak or understanding US sports is difficult ;) I had to call ...

Why I Write? And Why You Should Too

I started this blog in 2007, right after joining corporate from B-School campus. I was super excited in life for everything that was happening around me. Yes, dreamy age when you think world revolves around you 😏 I started this blog as a way to share my stories, my experiences . 13 Years after it still holds true. When I go through my older posts or sometimes reader posts a comment on older post, I get this feeling, "Did I write that? Thank god or Glad I wrote it". It is for this feeling, I write it. And will continue to do so.  While starting the blog obviously there were no readers. At times it felt, whether all this is going in void? I believe no writer is exception to this feeling. What worked for me was, I enjoyed it writing more than thinking whether anyone will read/like it. It is a good way of start. Then you fall for the process of writing. I write because I like to write. 😊 Writing for me is thinking clearly . Monkey mind that keeps chattering has loads to talk un...

See the light, Be the light

  “For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” These are the words from Amanda Gorman's poem. Amanda made history on 20th January 2021 by being youngest inaugural poet when she recited this at President Joe Biden's swearing-in ceremony.  Here is the full text of her poem "The Hill We Climb". "Here is to the women who have climbed my hills before" later she tweeted. I did not watch the full ceremony, just few glimpses. I was wonderfully awestruck when I heard these two lines.  Words matter. I am amazed by the work of this poet and clarity of her thoughts she wants to communicate. At such a young age, to understand issues and have a courage to articulate and inspire others. Bravo.  We all need this. In the face of uncertainties, difficulties and struggles. Courage to see the light and be the light.  Your thoughts? Please share here. 👇

Coolest Things I Learned - 1

- The Fax Machine was invented in 1843. That makes it 178 years old.  - If you needed a reason why Fasting is good for you, here is one. When you starve yourself for food, it is the bad protein that are broken down first and recycled by your body. Process called an autophagy. From truly evolutionary concept, body kills weak, ageing cells first in the process of fasting. Hence fasting is good for healthy body. - Everything you say to Siri is sent to Apple, analyzed. But that's not it. Apple may keep this data, anonymized for up to two years. Amazon too stores your Alexa data. Other day my kid asked Alexa, "Can you smell me from there?" I worry about Amazon ;) - After Apple, Google, IBM, Netflix and many others, Companies are changing the policy to accommodate hires without a college degree. Tesla joins them too.  - This is how Economic powers shaped in last 40 years. As per World Bank & IMF data. Simply fascinating. G20 Economies Nominal GDP (1960-2020)

What's so funny?

Kid is growing fast. When she was little, I was waiting for her to grow up. Now I wish time should just slow down, so that I get to enjoy more of her innocence.  Family shares love for books. Kid has picked up too. She loves reading books. Off late she has started enjoying humor, So I ordered Peanuts. She is is loving it, and keeps laughing the whole day. Today since morning she is endlessly laughing about the word 'blockhead' (Ahh Lucy and her troubles ;) ) It is pure joy watching kid enjoy humor. I had an idea of making a post, what made her smile. So here it is, When she was a baby, she could look at Trees, Birds or Newspaper or any paper and would start giggling. Terrible twos was the time of classic humor. Peek-a-Boo. Then came timeless classic, running. The moment she used to get a chance to run, she was laughing. She still does.  Now is the most interesting time. It is puzzling, amusing and fantastic to see what makes kid laugh. She laughs when she hears or reads, Stupi...

Chasing Your Dreams

Dreams are hopes in disguise for alternate future. Why alternate? If it is your dream, then it surely is different from your present.  Have you felt like you are chasing too many of them at one go? I sure have gone through multiple such cycles. What keeps me to get a grip is constantly asking " What matters most ?" followed by "now". These questions pretty much sort whenever I find myself overwhelmed with too many dreams.  What happens to the rest of the dreams? They stay there unless they become priority. I have named a list as alternate futures . E.g. What happens if I change my city? What happens if I choose all together different profession from my current one? Doesn't seem that I have lost them, but also gives me a clarity of my priority. And a realization that you can not do everything in life.  Only things to remember always is,  "Your dreams are valid. It does not matter where you are, where you have come from or what you have to achieve your dreams...

Joy of Finding

I landed in US in the midst of pandemic. Most international borders were sealed and travel was restricted, fortunately I could find a ticket on a flight and could travel. Joy of finding difficult things. At home we take up decluttering time to time. Remove, recycle, or give away stuff which we aren't using. Last week while cleaning my closet, I found 100 bucks in my old jeans. Joy of finding unexpected things.  Last Saturday husband was little distressed after his run. I asked, "What happened?". He said, "I think I lost my running belt". If you are wondering what running belt is, it is a belt runners use to carry essential stuff like water, keys etc. I asked him when did he lost it? He said he used it for that days run. So I suggested him, two options. One retrace your step and check if you can find it(car is usual place we find our stuff back) or order it and it will be there before your next run. Belt wasn't there in the car, but he went on a drive to chec...

Simply Saturday

Husband works in mysterious ways. Today was one such day. On kids request today is declared a Pav-Bhaji (Indian Savory Dish) day. Its a simple dish all of us enjoy.  After our delicious meal both of us went on to tidying a kitchen. I was shifting contents from one large, heavy pan to a small bowl, which off course became very heavy after few minutes of me holding it. Very heavy pan in left hand and spatula in right, I called for his help. He quickly came around and........ wait for it. Reached for a spatula. 😷 Bewildered me, still troubled by a heavy pan hand over spatula to him. Wait for it.....which he let go off the very next moment. Spatula like an arrow, released to hit a target goes and reaches for his toe. He gives me a stare. Now you might think, big deal. How much damage can a spatula make? Oh wait for is a big deal when that toe is a runners toe. Now if you don't know all runners are obsessed with their legs and anything that goes under or over it.  So...

Work & Play

What do you feel when you hear 'Work'? Uneasiness, displeasure, anxiety, fear, laziness, e xcitement, happiness, courage, relief?  I am sure any of the emotions below does not single out work. Same emotion also does not surface in different types of work. Sometimes emotions are mixed like you are excited and scared. This week has been pretty demanding, mid-week I almost felt fully exhausted. I changed focus from my work and connected with few people; and just like that I was energized. How? Almost doing any work, next thing other than work affects you is whom you have to interact with while completing the work. People involved in work affects the energy and emotions. Aren't we all dreaded when it comes to completing any government administrative work? Like renewing your license, housing work, taxes.  Work always excites me. New things to do, new things to learn. More than work though I get excited by people with whom I will interact completing the work. With interesting peo...

Yes it is too late

Too late? Where are you getting this idea from? Is there a published schedule for doing things in life. If there has been one, lets make it available for all. Are there clear instructions on age, gender, activities, geographic area, success rate, failure rate to guide for knowing lateness in life? Here are few examples we wouldn't be reading if they also thought it is too late. Vincent Van Gogh sold one painting in his lifetime. Let that sink in: one of the most well-known artists on the planet, with artwork that has sold for over 100 million dollars, sold only one painting in his lifetime. Stand Lee published Fantastic Four, his first superhero team comics when he was 38.  Have you read "Little House in The Big Woods"? Its my favorite, my kids too. Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65 when she published this classic.  Fauja Singh from India have run full marathon at the age of 93.  Famous Harry Potter series writer J K Rowling became world renowned in her 40's. Ray Kro...

Define what success means to you

Making mistakes, failing at things is such a taboo.  I don't understand it. Because we all fail. Yes, some might not admit it, but truth is we all fail.  Making mistakes is the whole deal of being Human. It is the best way we #learn. How otherwise we will be sure of success? Obviously avoid your mistakes.  I understand this largely attributes to how our society works. People around us work. Whole definition of failure(or success) is defined and if you don't meet that criteria, Its a mistake.  e.g. Going to college is success, dropping out is failure,  Going to job is success, quitting a job because you are not happy there is a mistake etc. How about defining what success means to YOU? and working towards it. Also while making the journey, not taking mistakes, failures at heart and just treat it as a setback.  For me at this juncture, success means being better version of me than I was yesterday. Personally or professionally.  Success means comfortable ...

If we care enough

If we care enough. It is possible to wait in line willingly, calmly for your turn to come. Instead, we choose to show displeasure on our faces.  It is possible to encourage friends, colleagues, neighbors, or anyone who tells us something exciting in their life. Instead we choose to doubt, question or taunt them. It is possible to take 10 minutes of our day and go for a walk, run or do any exercise. Instead we choose to watch TV shows for hours. It is possible to call people that matter to us once in a month and have genuine conversation. Instead we choose to hid behind busy. It is possible to pick an apple, or banana from fruit bowl on dining table. Instead we choose to search for chips packet. It is possible to make an eye contact and smile. Instead we choose to look away and walk fast. It is possible to be happy being silly with your kid. Instead we choose to be an adult.  It is possible to be happy about 14 things that happened as you desire. Instead we choose to ...

Consistency > Talent

No one has ever started 'ready'.  No one has ever started with a perfect plan. No one has ever started great.  Great designs, tools, art, write-ups is a work that has once started as rough draft, has gone through multiple revisions, multiple changes, multiple iterations of efforts.  When you decide to go after your dreams, only thing you need to focus on show up everyday. Take steps towards your goal, everyday. There will be changes in plans, in your goal, techniques you use, people surrounded or even in you. All those changes will reflect as success when you look back.  Consistent efforts day after day, months after months, years after years become your Talent.  Go for your dreams. Do all you can, with all you have and wherever you are. You've got this!

What excites you?

Happy New Year Dear Readers!! 🌟           Wish you all happy, prospering and fulfilling 2021 🌟 January of any year is the month of grand plans. It is also January where all these grand plans go bust. Popular term is resolutions ;)  I have never believed in new year resolutions. New year resolution is by far long lasting fashion I have seen.  I believe in resolutions. For getting something significant in life, it is absolute necessity to be resolute. What keeps us from being resolute is too many distractions. Is it a wonder after we know our evolution history? Or why our minds are often referred to as monkey minds?  Writing will continue being my focus in 2021. I like the whole process of writing. When I write on Thrivearc or here.  Things that matter to you or interests you always find way of keeping you engaged/going. This often is key to achieve any goal you give a shot at.  Keep it interesting people. You've got this!  I ...