Wellbeing and Being well

Wellness and Wellbeing of my own and my loved ones is one of the important things I care about. 

These two are different terms, I came to know about this in 2017 when I started driving Employee Wellness in my previous job. In simpler terms,

Wellness is a set of habits and behaviors to ensure good physical and mental health.

Wellbeing is a state of a mind. It is a broader term covering happiness(whatever that is). How people feel about their lives, purpose and meaning. 

Wellness is multidimensional. It is all about Physical, emotional, mental, financial and social health. In a way, when you take care of wellness, you take care of your wellbeing. Happiness differs for individuals, while it may revolve around same structures, priorities might differ. It is important for each one of us to understand what track of wellness is important for us which will lead to our wellbeing. For some people, it might be money, for some it might be meaningful work, for others it is meaningful relations. 

2020 has been hard for everyone. 2021 is the year when we all strengthen our base, find our ground and revive self care. You've got this!

What do you plan to achieve in 2021 for your wellbeing? Please share here 👇 
