What excites you?

Happy New Year Dear Readers!! 🌟

        Wish you all happy, prospering and fulfilling 2021 🌟

January of any year is the month of grand plans. It is also January where all these grand plans go bust. Popular term is resolutions ;) 

I have never believed in new year resolutions. New year resolution is by far long lasting fashion I have seen. 

I believe in resolutions. For getting something significant in life, it is absolute necessity to be resolute. What keeps us from being resolute is too many distractions. Is it a wonder after we know our evolution history? Or why our minds are often referred to as monkey minds? 

Writing will continue being my focus in 2021. I like the whole process of writing. When I write on Thrivearc or here.  Things that matter to you or interests you always find way of keeping you engaged/going. This often is key to achieve any goal you give a shot at. 

Keep it interesting people. You've got this! 

I would love to hear what exciting things you decided to pursue in 2021? Please share 👇
