Most important life skills that no one will teach you

Living a good life is every person's goal. However select few make an actual effort in making it better every day. Relationships, Health, Wealth, happiness are not single day or one time event. Everyday efforts though add up and eventually journey itself becomes better every passing day. 

Though most significant things that matter to you are not taught in any school or by a teacher. You have to learn on your own. Here are few things which everyone needs to learn on their own,

How to set Morning Routines you look forward to? Simplest #LifeHack Quiet time, exercise, tea/coffee, newspaper, meditation, reading, writing it can be anything you like and enjoy. Choose that and repeat it. Losing a morning thinking where should I start my day from is sure way of losing a day too. So set your wake-up routine.
Only you can find out things that make you energized, productive & happy for the day.
Don't worry about successful peoples morning routines & their wake up times. Find your own routine.
I absolutely love the 'feeling after exercise' and my morning coffee.

How to talk to anyone?
One of the key element to happiness is having meaningful relationships. People you are surrounded by can uplift you or drag you down. You alone can figure out 
- how to connect with people? 
- how to have small talks? 
- How to have deep conversations?

Learn to build meaningful relationships and maintain them.
I cherish people who chose me in spite of knowing me 😜 I make time for people I care about.

How to Manage Money Our most efforts go into learning how to make money. Rarely people focuses on what to do with it. Money is such a taboo. People Don't want to walk about it. - Learn & understand your inflow & outflow. Salary, Earnings, Expenses, Taxes, Benefits etc. - Learn Saving and Investment options, instruments, returns etc. There is a lot of professional help around these days. Seek help early on. I knew before my first salary, what am I earning for. Efforts I put in learning investments has helped me buying a house when I was 24 and becoming debt free faster. I am still learning and will continue to do so.

How to think? What to think? Thinking is a critical skill. It is important to know how to think independently, differently to thrive.  
Shane Parrish shares incredible stuff on how to think & in different ways. I follow all his work. He almost makes it sound simple and easy. You must try it out.

How to cook decent meal for yourself or for friends/family Food is my moms answer to all problems in the world. She is right. 😊 Learn to cook your favorite Breakfast, Snacks, and Meal. One of them maybe your comfort food. No matter how good a restaurant is, i don't believe anyone's comfort food get delivered at home yet. *No, chocolate ice cream is not a meal. Do you love tea, coffee you make for yourself? If not, find a recipe. I make best coffee and chocolate cake.
Tip: I am a foodie. If I like someone else's food, I ask them for a recipe. People love it. And there, that's how you cook food you'll like.

How to be Happy? Happiness is overrated. People think of happiness as a goal that they have to go and achieve. It is a feeling, state of being you CHOOSE. What makes you happy? It can't be one thing. It is always multiple, recurring and repeatable. Find things that make you happy. Talking to a friend, exercise, long drives, popping bubble wraps, playing with kids, listening to a children's story it may be anything. Find as many as you can.

How to deal with grief? Loss of loved ones is tough. Tough enough to talk about it. IN spite of the difficulty, awkwardness it is important to learn to talk about and deal with grief. Whether you are experiencing it or someone else. There is no right way or one way. Be there for people who are in grief and talk about it. I have learned this from my parents. They say its ok if you miss some celebration events, people usually share good times. You ALWAYS make time to share bad times of people. 'Happiness when shared it doubles, while shared grief becomes half '

What are your values?
What matters to you most in life? Values drive the way you live. Most values will be consistent, but there would be additions, removal and reprioritization. 
Uncovering values for yourself is the only way of knowing and becoming your true self. Meaningful Relationships, Adventure, Growth, Wealth, Authenticity and having an open mind has always been important to me. Julian has explained it beautifully. Read more here. 

How to be with yourself?

I don't get it how people get bored, in the world of countless books? 🤔
If you are out of things you want to try, check people who are doing amazing things. You will be amazed to see what interests drive people?

What are the other skills you have learned on your own? Please share.
