Being well is a superpower

Being well physically, mentally, financially, emotionally and socially is important to us. We #thrive to get better at each of these aspects everyday. 

Being well allows to live and work to our fullest potential. That is what is all about isn't it? To live and become our best selves. It allows us to produce our best work, it allows us to be better human for others. 

'Conscious building of wellness' is underrated. People consider being well as a luxury. Misconstrued self care aspect of wellness sometimes is also looked at as selfishness. Possibly that is why wellness did not became mainstream as it should have been. 

Wellness is a superpower. Whoever has this superpower is building future. People who are healthy physically, mentally, are thinking well, doing good work so earning well. These people are able to think beyond their own needs. They are able to think of needs of their families, communities. Which will result into building social wellness. Lack of any aspect of wellness, holds back a person from thinking beyond themselves and will hold back communities bringing new future. 

Wellness is an all encompassing concept. We all are striving for it, individually and together. 

What is your focus for 2021? What is ONE aspect of wellness you want to crack it in this year? Please share Here. 👇
