Define what success means to you

Making mistakes, failing at things is such a taboo. 

I don't understand it. Because we all fail. Yes, some might not admit it, but truth is we all fail. 

Making mistakes is the whole deal of being Human. It is the best way we #learn. How otherwise we will be sure of success? Obviously avoid your mistakes. 

I understand this largely attributes to how our society works. People around us work. Whole definition of failure(or success) is defined and if you don't meet that criteria, Its a mistake. 

e.g. Going to college is success, dropping out is failure, 

Going to job is success, quitting a job because you are not happy there is a mistake etc.

How about defining what success means to YOU? and working towards it. Also while making the journey, not taking mistakes, failures at heart and just treat it as a setback. 

For me at this juncture, success means being better version of me than I was yesterday. Personally or professionally. Success means comfortable doing new experiments. Success for me is learning new things. Success also means me able to help someone in their journey.

Please share your thoughts. Comment here. 👇
