Thinking ahead
It always helps to plan. Only to a extent where you no longer can follow a plan, or plan can't follow you. 😜
I am aware of both the situations, have gone through and came out little scathed and little more strong.
In the world of distractions, attention seeking mind, thinking ahead is not new to any of us. In fact we think so much ahead, that it paralyzes us. Anxiety, stress and worry of problems that are yet to occur. What if market crashes, what if there is another economic slump, what if something bad happens to my loved ones, what if people laugh at my decisions. All what if's pretty much before arrival of actual problem. (In fact more often non occurring problem)
I am at that junction where there was a plan, there was a milestone and there was also an obstacle. Only thing I thought I had sometime to remove obstacle. This time plan worked faster, and it is making me think about obstacle earlier than I thought. I am sure this will be another interesting challenge and another interesting story.
Give me all your energy internet friends. I'll be needing it.
Long day. Keep it together. 👐