Yes it is too late

Too late? Where are you getting this idea from? Is there a published schedule for doing things in life. If there has been one, lets make it available for all. Are there clear instructions on age, gender, activities, geographic area, success rate, failure rate to guide for knowing lateness in life?

Here are few examples we wouldn't be reading if they also thought it is too late.

Vincent Van Gogh sold one painting in his lifetime. Let that sink in: one of the most well-known artists on the planet, with artwork that has sold for over 100 million dollars, sold only one painting in his lifetime.

Stand Lee published Fantastic Four, his first superhero team comics when he was 38. 

Have you read "Little House in The Big Woods"? Its my favorite, my kids too. Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65 when she published this classic. 

Fauja Singh from India have run full marathon at the age of 93. 

Famous Harry Potter series writer J K Rowling became world renowned in her 40's.

Ray Kroc started world famous McDonalds chain when he was 59.

Education by 20, Marriage by 25, Kids by 27, House and car by 30.....Long list tied to age forced by people who know nothing more than you do. This perceived time limit keeps us believing rightness of time opportunity is already passed. 

These examples are of successful people. So look at people around you who are happy doing what they are doing, things they call their passion. Only thing you will hear them say is I wish I would have started earlier.

Whatever it is in your mind for which you feel, it is too late. Yes it is too late to have begun. 
