If we care enough

If we care enough.

It is possible to wait in line willingly, calmly for your turn to come. Instead, we choose to show displeasure on our faces. 

It is possible to encourage friends, colleagues, neighbors, or anyone who tells us something exciting in their life. Instead we choose to doubt, question or taunt them.

It is possible to take 10 minutes of our day and go for a walk, run or do any exercise. Instead we choose to watch TV shows for hours.

It is possible to call people that matter to us once in a month and have genuine conversation. Instead we choose to hid behind busy.

It is possible to pick an apple, or banana from fruit bowl on dining table. Instead we choose to search for chips packet.

It is possible to make an eye contact and smile. Instead we choose to look away and walk fast.

It is possible to be happy being silly with your kid. Instead we choose to be an adult. 

It is possible to be happy about 14 things that happened as you desire. Instead we choose to be sad over one thing which goes against our will. 

It is possible to help someone without them asking for, or without expecting anything in return. Instead we choose to dwell upon, 'how/if will this person help me back in future?'

It is possible to let go. Instead we choose to carry on with burden of all things unnecessary. 

It is possible to read a book for 10 minutes everyday. Instead we choose to stalk people on social media for hours. 

If we care enough.

What according to you should be added here? Please share here. 👇
