An App for a Fish

Have you ever heard words like 'Idiot-proof', 'fool-proof'? 

These are pretty common if you are in Product building, Software making, UI Design or anything to do with someone using what you've made. I never liked these terms. Not that I believed users are not idiots, but I believe we all are idiots and it is not fair  to call only users as idiots. So whenever I build apps, I like to think that I am building apps for a Fish.

Why Fish?
Have you seen fish in water? Its a treat to eyes and to your soul. They flow. They make you feel being in water, swimming the way they are swimming is the only way of being. Natural and Obvious. 

It keeps you grounded while you make #product #design for any set of users thinking fish in mind. You tend to think in terms of flows. natural flows for your users. Using, navigating and taking actions using your app should be as easy and trouble-free as fish in the water. 

I am not claiming all the apps I are perfect and liked equally by users. However it has certainly helped me design better, think better. 

So when and if you are making anything that is planned to be used by someone else. Think like you building things for a fish. And let me know how it goes.

Any thoughts? Please share here. 👇 
