Sleepless nights

11 March 2020, Who declared Covid-19 as pandemic, and the world we know changed it. It changed for never to return it to normal we knew before. Yes, everything will be normal, but new normal.

Nine months into a pandemic apart from Corona, whole of the world is now struggling with constant anxiety and sleepless nights. It happened to me as well. Two months before no matter how tired I was physically, I couldn't sleep. Mind just kept wandering, irrational fears kept surfacing...All this while I was getting proper exercise, right food and meditation. It was frustrating. Switching on TV and mobile was so tempting. I avoided it. After some time sleep schedule got back to normal. 

To all my friends, who are still struggling to get their sleep schedule in order, my only suggestion is NOT to give in for screens. Sometimes even after doing all things right, results may not be as you desire. That does not mean you stop doing right things.

Enough sleep, Quality Sleep, is more important for health than you think it is. James Clear has covered all that you have to know about sleep here

Things that have worked for me to are,

- Fixed sleep time-wake time. 
- No mobile before 1 hour of sleep.
- No Coffee after 3 PM.
- Close the day with notes. (This is to avoid new thoughts or lingering thoughts on -projects, activities I am working on)

Many people also take supplements like Magnesium, which is widely and openly available in US, not sure of India. I have used but couldn't tell whether it works for me or not. 

WFH, no commute, no fixed work schedule may allow many of us to sleep late and wake up late. But avoid the trap keeping long term health in mind. Get sleep in order. 

What are your ideas to sleep on time and sleep well. Would like to hear them. Please share here. 

