Show up everyday

I may not have been writing online for last two years that often, but I hadn't stopped writing. I want to really get better at it. I write professionally on I felt writing here more consistently would get me into a rhythm. And after 14 posts in this month I already feel its working.  

Many people call me lucky for many things. I just wanted to tell all of them that getting lucky is just 'going on' no matter how much you feel like giving up. 

I exercise everyday. This is a habit for last 10 years. Even if it is for 10 mins on some days. There are days when I too feel skipping like many others, I trick myself to do it say 25 crunches instead of 50, by the time I reach 25 my mind is already geared up to do rest 25 :) Somedays I just do 10. 

I read everyday. Even if it is 5 lines. 

I write everyday. Even if it is 5 lines. 

Same goes for my habits around learning something new, connecting with people I care, investing money. Which in a way ends up being seen as being lucky. 

Luck is a choice you make everyday, every hour for yourself. Make it in favor of you and you get lucky.

Consistency beats talent. Consistency beats luck. Show up everyday.
