
Everyone is thinking about SAME things. How to grow?

How to grow in terms of money, power, connect, influence?

How to improve our health, relationships, happiness? EVERYONE. 

From Jeff Bezoz, Zuckerberg, Ambani, Tatas to your friend, colleague, next door neighbor and you. EVERYONE is always thinking about how to grow?

It has nothing to do with where you are, how much you have? Our basic line of thinking is always the same. What differs us from one another is, what we do about our thoughts. 

If it is about getting healthy, some of us are making choices to eat right food, do exercise. Results differ in proportion to inputs. Some of us are only thinking and doing nothing about it. 

If it about growing ourselves, some of us are learning new skills, reading books, writing, helping others, picking a new hobby. Some of us are only thinking and doing nothing about it.

If it is about improving our financial stability, Some of us are saving, investing, learning how to invest, creating alternative income stream. Some of us are unaware of what are the expenses, where is the money coming from and where's it going? 

If it is about improving our relationships, Some of us are taking efforts in making time for important people in our lives. Listen. Give. Say thank you. Sorry. Some of us assume, only talk, expect, disrespect. Some of us choose to leave things to be. 

In all the important aspects of our lives, which are basically same for everyone only intensity of that desire changes. Outcomes are solely dependent on efforts that goes as inputs. Its all about choices we make EVERYDAY. Every single day. Not doing anything about it is also a choice made. 

How much it matters to you to have what you desire for? And what are you willing to do to achieve it? 
