How I learn from my kid
My life changed for good when my daughter was born. Its been learning everyday since then. My most recent learnings about life, people and things in general are from my kid and watching her learn/grow.
Here are few things which I have learned from my kid,
Kid is so enviously happy about everyday, its me who wants to find a reason to be happy(like any other adults) Every morning she asks me 'are you excited?' now after so many years of practice answer is yes. I repeat the question and ask why? (just so that we are on same page of being excited about today 😛) Today kid wanted me to be happy because it was her classmate Ethans' birthday. Okay. Happy Birthday Ethan!!
Find work.
I have never seen my kid doing nothing. She is always doing something, keeping herself occupied. It is different that her being busy is worrisome for whole other reasons for me.
Ask questions. lot of it. Nothing seems obvious once you start questioning.
How to draw bird, dinosaur and a little girl. List will keep growing, and I'd like that to happen.
Only thing I have not been able to learn it yet is get everything I want they way kid does. Which is by asking endlessly, without getting tired of no and sometimes some tears and drams. I am learning. I will get there 😅