I want to change the world
I want to change the world.
I have always been pro change person. I like changes. I lead changes. I am fascinated by changes. Changes, that many forms life has to offer, the way we look at things, the way we do things and things itself.
Now, more than ever I see many people saying that they wanted to change the world. Its good and inspiring. I have always tried to understand what it means to change the world. Here is what I have understood,
Change people's mind - Change people's mind on what they think, how they think, the way they act. This is applicable to all aspects of life.
Use new process, new tool, new product, read, write, sleep, meditate, eat plants, don't eat plants, eat meat, don't eat meat, dairy, non-dairy, water, less water, less energy, cash, cashless, use cars, don't use cars, shops, e-commerce, internet, use social media, don't use social media etc. List is endless. Everyone who wants to change the world irrespective of their context is trying to change the people's mind on something.
Create and build new ways of doing things - There are old ways and new ways. People who wanted to change the world are bringing the new ways of doing things. Like Vegan enthusiast have got Oats milk, almond milk. Elon Musk is creating underground superfast tube as alternate ways of transport. E-commerce players are changing the way shopping is done.
Build community - Changing the world starts with a person and continues with community. Everyone who wants to change the world, want to build community of like minded people driven by same purpose.
Leave legacy - People who want to change the world want world to know their story, continue their story. They want to build legacy that will last.
World is a better place because there are many who wants to make it better in their own way. Irrespective of what, how big that change is. I too want to change the world to make it little bit better, fitter and happier :)