Indians don't say Thank You

When I say Indians I mean people from a country in Asia.

Saying Thank you and meaning it, is something I have seen evident in western world. I have met many people who have said Thank You on different occasions. It is so heart warming. It is different. It is different from what I am used to hear back home. 

Being two years in US, kid has picked up many things best I say from this culture too. She is a polite kid. She says thank you to me if she loves some dish I prepare or read a book to her. It was shocking when I first heard. I am used to now, both hearing it and saying it a lot. If my mom hears me saying thank you for a meal, she would kick me out(off course after finishing the meal) and lecture me to no end about my saying so. 

Saying Thank you in India is almost frowned upon. It is a part of culture. Here are few reasons Indians don't say Thank you,

It is no big deal. Like no biggie. I got you some groceries, helped your kid study or help you raise a kid, gave you a ride, or gave my car for few days, or gave you a Kidney... whatever. No Biggie. 

Saying Thank you is like saying "No, Don't". Yeah its weird. People consider as if you don't want them in your life doing whatever they have been doing for you. Closing, denying the relation or make it sound distant one. 

Karma. Indians believe in karma. It is ingrained in us that do your part and almighty will take care the rest. Nobody here owes you anything. People look after each other even if they don't know each other, haven't met before. 

Saying Thank you between friends is almost like saying you are not my friend. Yes, It gets weirder. 

Saying Thank you to your Parents. Red zone, coming out without getting hurt would be a miracle. Should never do it. If you do, blame it on your friend(which your parents don't like) 😉 Be tactical about expressing your gratitude. 

So how do Indians say Thank you?

Food. Food plays a big role in saying thank you. Indians express their love through their food. Its everywhere, among friends, families, co-workers, strangers. Feeding people is saying thank you. 

Let them be. Whoever you want to say thank you, best way to do is let them do, be whatever they were doing for you. Smile and get out of their way. 

Words or not, its amazing to be thankful. It is amazing to have people, things to be thankful about. Celebrate it, in a way you like. Happy Thanksgiving!

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