30 Day Challnge

Challenges are ways to change. 

They say people take 21 days to create new habit. Once you do something repeatedly over 21 days it tends to stick if you wanted to. 

People generally take goals of weight loss of 10 KG, Writing a book, making a billion, starting a business etc. All seems overwhelming. They are if you wanted them to be. Good thing is they seem overwhelming to EVERYONE, even to people who do it often, who've have it before. If they have done it, you will be doing it too. 

How they do it? Dream Big. Act Small. 
Keep your dreams big, goals as they are. Though try actions which are small, doable and repeatable. Losing 10 Kg over 6 month time seems large, but exercise 30 minutes a day is a small change. Small change repeated everyday is going to lead to big change of losing weight. 

I have found 30 Day challenge is another way of introducing small changes in your life. I don't use added sugar. This has been a practice over 7 years. It started with husband and me taking a goal of no sugar for 30 days.  It does not mean we don't eat sweets, we do. We also eat sugary sweets, but its a choice now. Everyday sugar from tea, coffee, or desserts everyday is completely gone. 
Recently I had taken 30 day 10,000 steps challenge. 
We have also taken 30 day less than 2 hours mobile challenge. 
I have taken 30 day writing challenge. 
30 Day challenge is small enough to bring sense of responsibility and accountability to your goals. At the same time big enough to make progress on your goals and give you a sense of fulfillment after achieving it.  

Try it. 30 day challenge brings small change. Helps you build a new habit. Brings freshness. Create excitement. Better yet, do it with a friends or a partner. 

Few 30 day challenges I can think of,

  • Walk 10000 steps everyday.
  • Sleep early and more.(Or could be no late nights)
  • No booze. 
  • No Sugar.
  • 10 glasses of water.
  • Writing one line or 5 lines.
  • Reaching out to 30 different people.
  • No Facebook. No Instagram.
  • New exercise/activity. 

If you have interesting challenges like this, share. I would like to try. 

What are your thoughts? Please share.
