Better late than never

I come across so many people who complain that it is too late for them to start. It always puzzles me who gives these people deadline of sorts? Who shares it perfectly scheduled events? If there are any I would like to meet them.

I know I will not meet them. Because they don't exist. 'Late' is fictitious timeline we impose on ourselves. 

It is never too late to start reading. Its ok if you haven't got time till now. Pick anything you like, comics, fiction, travelogue, mysteries, psychology, money management, cooking. 

It is never too late to start exercising. Even if it is for 5 minutes. Anytime of the day. Any exercise of your choice. Walk, run, crunches, push-ups, pull ups. 

It is never too late to start eating healthy. Start stocking up fruits, nuts, healthy snacks. 

It is never too late to catch up with people you care about. Call them, ask them how are they doing? what excites them? what makes them sad? 

It is never too late to start learning new skill, hobby. Joy of learning something new is incomparable. I learned to solve a Rubik's cube this year, from not able to solve a cube I have reached solving a cube in 3 minutes 17 seconds. How cool is that? 
Recently I learned before 1960-65 cars had high roofs, they reduced the height because men stopped wearing hats. I was happy to read it. 

It is never too late to share your true feelings, true thoughts to anyone. 

These are the basic things that makes us happy. Get them right. Get them as you wanted it to be. If not now when? If not you, then who?

Cost of not doing is far higher than cost of doing. It's never too late. You've got this!
