Weasel Words
Meaning of Weasel Words as per dictionary is,
"Words that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading"
Over the weekend, I came across two things that lead me to read and then write about weasel words. One, Some frustrated professional asking on how to spot genuine claims, genuine content in personal marketing that goes about everywhere blogs, LinkedIn. Second, a book I came across 'The 4 Hour Body' By Tim Ferris. This book is an epitome of personal marketing. I admire Tim Ferris, his drive for following his interests is amazing. Though I found this book way too fabricated. Right from all the clickbait taglines on what will you learn in less than 30 minutes. One of the line says, 'How to sleep for 2 hours and still feel rested' He has produced evidence for ALL his claims. There are numbers, cases, examples of other humans. But here are few things to note and search/ponder over before you blindly accept anything from this book(or for that matter any other health advice)
Drugs are bad, steroids are bad. How supplements are okay?
Every body is different. Different genetic structures, Different cultures, Climatic conditions, Work type, Work conditions, Likings. How one type of a diet, exercise is solution to all?
Life is meant to be lived better than doing air squats, wall push-ups before every meal. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Don't just keep scores on your Work, Exercise, Diet, Friends, Money, enjoy while you do all that.
Don't count your days. Make your days count.
I am an overthinker. It is difficult for me to accept things at their face value. My search history repeatedly shows contradictory searches. Like,
What makes people morning person, what makes people not a morning person?
Product design- Go by what customers want, or Customers don't know what they want.
Writing - People telling write for yourself, People telling write for your audience.
Numerous examples. Just go search it on web, in conversations, in books, ideas. There always will be opposing views for same idea. It is a good thing. (I want to collect all these opposing ideas in one post, will do it soon)
Two posts on medium saying you ARE the average of five people you spend time with, You AREN'T.
Point is there will always be some evidence available backing claims you want to prove right. What differentiates people who are happy about getting opposing views and who get frustrated about it is, their ability to pick up signal from the noise. This is where weasel words come to your aid. I am always on the look out for weasel words e.g. Almost, Generally, beneficial, researchers, economists etc.
We live in the world of click baits. We live in the world of data. There is just too much data(Not Information, there is a difference). Before accepting, processing and forming views
Ask questions like,
- Why is it being said, whatever is being said? What is the real motive?
- How is this data/evidence collected, by whom?
- Are the sources of data aware that they are the source?
- Are all relevant dimensions(Time, geography etc.) included while presenting this statement, data?
- What critics say about this?
- When was the article, book, blog written?
- What can be an alternate explanation to this?
It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled.