English is not same everywhere

I should have known this. India has more than 20 recognized and many more unrecognized languages. One language have many dialects and same words can mean different things. 'Tu'(You in English) in Marathi is known for closeness of relation, is considered offensive, disrespectful in Hindi. 

How could have things be not different for English as well? Though I still get amazed when I learn peculiarities of languages. English they teach in India has British influence, which also reflects in spoken language. When I first came to US(2011), we went out for coffee. US TV, movies, Starbucks had hyped the coffee of this country for me. I was waiting to taste coffee here and in my mind I had already imagined it would be close to the 'Drink of Gods'. 2011 my reference to best coffee was Nescafe Gold made in whole milk and little sugar. Here is how the conversation went,

So lady on the counter asks me, "what will it be?" 

I say, "Coffee" 

She asks, "Cream?" 

(In my mind, what cream? I am here for coffee not cake) I say, "No" 

After other 100 such questions what I received was not what I expected it would be. It did not look like what I had in my mind, It did not smell what I had in my mind. 

It was plain black coffee. 

What happened? 

English happened. In US they call milk in their coffee as cream. Sugar is kept outside so customers can choose as per their taste. My first coffee experience ended up being disaster, because till then I had never tasted black coffee. Eventually I learned to order coffee I liked. I also learned to drink black coffee after that.

In fact, I like black coffee now. No cream. No sugar. :)

Here is what I have learned in English after coming to US,

Walkway, Sidewalk --> Is what we used to call pavement or footpath

First Floor --> There is no ground floor in US. Level 0 or Ground in India is First floor here.

Biscuits --> There are no Biscuits in US. You only get cookies. 

Pre-K and Kindergarten --> Equivalent to Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten. Thanks to my kid who started Pre-K here, I know this.

Grade(1st, 4th grade) --> Equivalent to 'Standard' in India, 5th, 7th standard etc.

School and College --> I don't even try to get there. I will learn hopefully with kid passing each grade :) 

Starving --> You shouldn't worry much if you hear this in US, it means person is just Hungry. 

This is so far I can recollect for this post. I will keep adding. Its always fascinating to learn a language.

What have you found different in languages wherever you stay or visited? 

Please share here.👇
