Fearless should not even be a word
No one really is without a fear. What differentiates people who seem fearless have chosen courage over their fears.
Everyone is scared of something. Fear of failure, rejection, being laughed at, loneliness, being judged, or fear of losing something valuable. Rich, poor, strong, weak, powerful, intellectuals, good all have fears.
Fear is always there. Fear runs deep, fight or flight radar of our ancestors kept them alive.
While writing this I am scared of people laughing at my idea of non-existence of word 'fearless'.Making mistakes, failures are part of success. Start, Act. why be scared of failures?
World is judging you right now with or without any actions. Why scare of judgements?
When you move on fear moves with you. Ask questions even if you think its stupid. Get new fears.
Nobody in this world knows what's going to happen next. One Year into a pandemic and we all are still predicting how virus will spread and what methods will work. We act anyway. #CourageOverFear
t’s not really as frightening as it seems. Acknowledge the fear and address it. More often its fear than actual thing keeps us from doing what we really want to.
Fear doesn’t really go away. There is always a fear of something academic standing, perceived intelligence, relationships, image, job, money etc. But if fear is not going to go away, we going away from it doesn't make sense.
It is not easy. It is difficult. But it is possible. Chose courage over your fears.