
What are you thriving for?

I recently posted about happiness on Thrivearc.  It is not about happiness. I understand happiness is vague and relative term. What triggered me to write about it is how intentionally we approach to happiness? *T hing that most matter to us.  Ask anyone and everyone, what do they desire? More often the answer is happiness. Well I like other specificities too. Like someone I had a chat with last week, said she is looking to get pro tennis player. She just started learning it in pandemic and can't seem to get it enough. One of my friend wants to build new toys for kids, he thinks most toys are same one what he played with. He is looking to bring new ones in the market.  I find my happiness with connecting to new people. Working with them to see amazing transformation they go through. I find my happiness in reading with my kid, old stories with new excitement or new stories with old thrill. I feel happy when I write. I find happiness in tinkering many of my ideas, some I su...

Being yourself

No other idea has ever come close to my heart than selling people to be themselves.  No matter what age, position, emotional state of a person one thing I have observed repeatedly is, we all try to fit in.  There is nothing wrong in 'fitting in', as long as it does not hurt being you. (Tweet) Be it a personal life or professional life, people constantly try to fit in as per some ideal persona, journey set by their ecosystem. While doing so, we keep compromising our true self. I don't believe you one bit if you deny this. Ask yourself, When was the last time you have chosen to speak against popular opinion? When was the last time you expressed what you really think? When was the last time you felt true connection to someone or something? When was the last time you felt uncomfortable? Comfort is enemy of your growth. Comfort is enemy of your true potential.  Fitting in is a myth. Fitting in is a greatest obstacle to belong.  What are you holding back till now? Please s...

Coolest Things I learned - February 2021

1. Did you know that there was 6000 years of gap between invention of a wheel and putting those wheels on suitcases? Even moon landing was 3 decades before. Nicholas Taleb in his book 'Antifragile' refers this as a human imagination(or lack of) #GoodReads 2. New word I liked from my kids book she read to me called Diva & Flea. Flâneur - Someone(Somecat from a book) who wanders to see what there is to see. Great flâneur has seen everything, but still looks for more, because there is always more to discover. *The word is mentioned in Antifragile as well :) Coincidence like this makes me realize, when you are looking for something, universe conspires in bringing it closer to you.  3. Communication Principle: KISS which stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid I like how this principle has a wider application in other things of life. 4. Changing the world does not have to be about technology. An inspiring journey of founder of Planet Abled -  Neha Arora You must check this. 5. Z...

If you are looking for..

If you are looking for an opportunity, you will find one. If you are looking for a challenge, you will find one. If you are looking for reasons to do things, you will find many. If you are looking for reasons to not do things, you will find at least many. If you are looking for an excuse, you will find one. Thing is now or later you will find what you are looking for. So be thoughtful of what you are looking for. 

Thinking ahead

It always helps to plan. Only to a extent where you no longer can follow a plan, or plan can't follow you. 😜 I am aware of both the situations, have gone through and came out little scathed and little more strong.  In the world of distractions, attention seeking mind, thinking ahead is not new to any of us. In fact we think so much ahead, that it paralyzes us. Anxiety, stress and worry of problems that are yet to occur. What if market crashes, what if there is another economic slump, what if something bad happens to my loved ones, what if people laugh at my decisions. All what if's pretty much before arrival of actual problem. (In fact more often non occurring problem) I am at that junction where there was a plan, there was a milestone and there was also an obstacle. Only thing I thought I had sometime to remove obstacle. This time plan worked faster, and it is making me think about obstacle earlier than I thought. I am sure this will be another interesting challenge and anot...

Focus: Future or Present

If asked, where the focus should be? Obvious answer to this is present.  All that is happening is now,  Actions are in present. Hence  your focus should also be on now.  Though your actions are determined by mindset, which can be future focused or present focused. Actions taken that will have outcomes for better in future are from future focused mindset. E.g. Exercise, avoiding sugar, saving money are actions happening now, though results are in future.  Similarly watching a movie, partying, playing with kids, cooking are actions happening now and outcomes are also in present being happy, elevated now.  There are benefits, there are downfalls of both choices. The choices that occur from mindset being future focused or present focused. Actions are always present focused. What we need to pay attention to is, where actions are coming out from. Future focused or present focused mind? Please share your thoughts. Comment here. 👇

Most important life skills that no one will teach you

Living a good life is every person's goal. However select few make an actual effort in making it better every day. Relationships, Health, Wealth, happiness are not single day or one time event. Everyday efforts though add up and eventually journey itself becomes better every passing day.  Though most significant things that matter to you are not taught in any school or by a teacher. You have to learn on your own. Here are few things which everyone needs to learn on their own, How to set Morning Routines you look forward to? Simplest #LifeHack Quiet time, exercise, tea/coffee, newspaper, meditation, reading, writing it can be anything you like and enjoy. Choose that and repeat it. Losing a morning thinking where should I start my day from is sure way of losing a day too. So set your wake-up routine. Only yo u can find out things that make you energized, productive & happy for the day. Don't worry about successful peoples morning routines & their wake up times. Find yo...