What are you thriving for?
I recently posted about happiness on Thrivearc. It is not about happiness. I understand happiness is vague and relative term. What triggered me to write about it is how intentionally we approach to happiness? *T hing that most matter to us. Ask anyone and everyone, what do they desire? More often the answer is happiness. Well I like other specificities too. Like someone I had a chat with last week, said she is looking to get pro tennis player. She just started learning it in pandemic and can't seem to get it enough. One of my friend wants to build new toys for kids, he thinks most toys are same one what he played with. He is looking to bring new ones in the market. I find my happiness with connecting to new people. Working with them to see amazing transformation they go through. I find my happiness in reading with my kid, old stories with new excitement or new stories with old thrill. I feel happy when I write. I find happiness in tinkering many of my ideas, some I su...