Paper Swan and drawing Dinosaur

Its never too late to learn how to make paper planes and boats. I strongly believe this is an essential skill to be an adult. Well apart from frog jumping, be able to do thumb cutting magic trick, making sand castles, singing and dancing among others. Ok, I will take down dancing.
And this has nothing to do with what adult age we are talking of, or whether or not you have kids. 

Geared with all these up my sleeves, I have survived in fact been great with my lil'l one till now. 
So life is sorted, you are the magician and audience is ever cheered up. And then one day out of nowhere someone makes paper swan and gives it to my daughter (How dare they?) 
No, I am not adding that as an essential skill, but my hubby has taken keen interest in paper swan and so has my star. 

So, roughly 12 days after, taking to the task of making paper swans, I have found about 27 swans in different sizes, shapes and colors around the house. Different colored swans are due to use of Fliers which came through mailbox in making them. After some close observation of few samples, I expect numbers to go down considerably in next few days.  

Meanwhile, with entire family taking up on new skill, I have chosen to learn 'How to draw Dinosaur'? I am already liking Diplodocus and Spinosaurus. 
Well I don't want skill to even draw these magnificent creatures to go extinct too. 😉
