
It was back in year 2007 I saw the popular American sitcom 'Friends', fresh out of B-School, had to leave to Bangalore where my first corporate opportunity from campus was waiting. Friend of mine gave me this 3-4 seasons of this sitcom, she was madly in love with it and I couldn't understand why. Out of curiosity started watching it a day before my journey and I could not stop till I finish more than a half season. Thereafter i dint have this question of 'why' about any other sitcom or series for that matter. Friends have been my long running favourite comedy, I have watched every season at least 3 times. Every night after preparing dinner in Bangalore, I used to start random episode and enjoy my dinner.Then off course weekends were for movies.

Now that I am in Mumbai and staying with family I have lost luxury of watching of such sitcoms or movie everyday, I have to wait for weekends for this. Over familiarity with friends has made me move to other series like HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, 3rd rock from the Sun etc. I tried watching 'That 70's show' couldn't continue. Most of these series are framed around group of friends doing timepass around all the time. Was really fed up with similar comedy. Though last series was a change for a bit, have started with Sherlock Holmes. American television to British television. Huh..thats quite a shift. Though one thing I like is that I get to know cultural, social aspects of both societies through this.

Last few days I have been busy with work at home, that's why could take a good break from such series. Would really want to continue this break for some more time... these things are really addictive

PS: Honey, I am really out of sitcoms now, you should have seen 3rd rock from the sun... I have had it there itself. Come back soon.
