Foreign Returned

Have heard lot about them but always wanted to meet this species. Specially those who visited uncle Sam's country. Visual appearance is similar to that of other software professionals but you will find random changes in behaviour.
Suddenly all reference points come all the way from America. 'Clubs', Alcohol, Turky, cheese etc are hot topics of discussion. Hygiene becomes so important that they eat panipuri in swanky shopping mall. Too much.Appreciating their life, things, 'culture' can be totally understood but you dont have to badmouth of things which are here. That's a lame.
Happen to meet someone in recent times. He was telling, Indian cars does not seems to be safe now. He wanted an air-bag in it. Huhhh?? 26 years of his life the person has spent in Mumbai, travelling in Local train and bus. Fact apart that today in Mumbai, person who is relaxing in the back-seat of the lavish car feels as unsafe as person who is hanging out of the bus/train.
By the way not only software professionals but common man here also seems to be influenced by west, today I came in less than 10 mins from Kurla station to Santacruz. James Bond style...Auto was 2 inches above the ground and so as my heart ;)
*Exceptions in this species also exist, Dont take it to your heart


Kim said…
A Trivia: Do you know what does Uncle Sam stand for? Its U.S.

Do you know why the initials US got associated with Uncle Sam?

Well, At the time of the War of 1812, Samuel Wilson a meat-packer from New York, obtained a contract to supply beef to the Army in its campaign further north, which he shipped in barrels. The barrels, being government property, were branded with the initials "U.S.", but the teamsters and soldiers would joke that the initials referred to Uncle Sam, who supplied the product. Over time, it is believed, anything marked with the same initials also became linked with his name.