Summer, Monsoon, winter these are the seasons at least I am familiar with. (They say in polar regions Spring and Autumn are different from Summer and anybody would believe that) Do a persons life have seasons? yes I guess it does. I am not sure about the seasons in other peoples life, but mine are quiet random and these days are going wild too ;) My seasons vary in terms of duration they last for, frequency at which they occur. These days I am also experiencing cross-seasons(Mix of two). Popular seasons are Food, Movie, Sleeping, Fighting etc. In each of these season single priority task is to execute The Theme . Like in food season eating lots of food, no matter what I eat how much I eat I never get full. In a Movie season watching movies like anything, seen/unseen. In sleeping season sleeping like never slept in a whole life and in a fighting season fight with whoever comes along on the first thing that comes to mind and this way all seasons continue. Currently Movie ...